
How To Use EATOILS™ Products With Steam And Vapor Cleaning Systems

By Worldware Enterprises Ltd.


There has been a lot of discussion recently about using steam to deep clean grout, tile, and other porous surfaces.  Steam is a highly effective surface cleaner for removing visible grease, however, it doesn't draw out all of the material from deep pores as it's followers and supporters claim - and it can leave a residual grease trail, particularly in high traffic areas.  Lingering odors can also be a problem.

EATOILS™ deep cleaning products actually do remove the organic materials from deep in the pores of all surfaces - and they do a particularly great job at removing deep particles from porous surfaces.  They also remove the sources of odors!

By combining the power of microbial cleaning with 'steam cleaning' or 'vapor cleaning' the results are much more effective.   The microbes and surfactants in EATOILS™ products actually loosen the microscopic food and inorganic particles so the steam or vapor can remove them faster.  They also remove the sources of odors.

We have a number of contractor clients who are hired by large restaurant chains to 'steam clean' their kitchens and bathrooms when they require: 1) a complete overhaul, 2) a refurbishment for a new franchise owner, 3) a dramatic heavy duty clean, or 5) a kitchen or bathroom makeover.  Admittedly, these are the worst conditions for cleaning (usually the build-up is from many years and it is hard to get at all of the areas to clean them).  However, they are ideal for deep steam cleaning.  After years of cleaning these difficult areas our contractor clients have discovered a better way to clean by combining the two cleaning systems.  We have found that these contractors actually insist on using our EATOILS™ heavy duty cleaners together with the steam equipment so they can get the best cleaning result in the shortest time. 

How they do it
Typically, they mix up our cleaner (depending on the job - SUPERFRESH™ for bathrooms, SUPER FLOOR DEGREASER™ for kitchens, or BT200™ for industrial greases ) with hot water (usually at 4 oz/gal) and apply it liberally to the surfaces to be cleaned (usually leave 1/4" of fluid on the floor) and allow it to sit for 30 - 45 minutes or so.  Then, they brush the surfaces with a stiff brush to release the heavy greases and build-up.  Then they follow up with the steam or vapor cleaning system.  It actually takes much less time to clean this way and the results are dramatic!  A bright clean room with no residue and no lingering odors! ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS ARE GREENER-CHOICE APPROVED GREEN.

How about ordering some today? click here.