Here are some important facts about going GREEN - knowing them will better prepare you for the inevitable discussions that will come up as you move forward to greening your facility.
1) Many facilities decision-makers remain jaded by green products of the past. These early environmentally preferable options were often very costly and delivered questionable results. Because of this, scores of individuals were weary to fully embrace green product procurement.
2) Today, however, manufacturers are taking their years of research and development data and are implementing that expertise into green product formulations that outperform traditional chemicals at comparable costs with a reduced impact on building occupants and the environment.
3) Industry research shows that 72 percent of cleaning professionals prefer to clean with milder chemicals.
4) "Green cleaning is coming of age," states Steve Ashkin, president of The Ashkin Group LLC.
5) Implementing Green is on the rise. Statistics show, 70 percent of custodial professionals are interested in helping their company or organization go green.
6) Included in some product literature are steps that can be taken to ensure the success of your green cleaning initiative, including which chemicals and equipment will best suit your daily operations.
7) Green products must work well, use resources efficiently and do not put human health or that of the environment at risk during or after use. If a supposed green product does not meet this basic criteria, its level of greenness should be questioned.
8) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that people spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors. As such, it is increasingly important that we clean our indoor environments with less toxic alternatives — notably those containing little or no volatile organic compounds (VOC) — that will not harm those occupying the buildings we clean and maintain.
9) Poor indoor air quality can hamper employee productivity and, according to the EPA, cost businesses "tens of billions of dollars per year."
Seeing The Difference
10) Going green is not only the proper thing to do from an environmental standpoint; it can be a financial boon, too.
11) Green cleaning — or using cleaning products and methods that focus on natural ingredients — is in the best interests of businesses, tenants and cleaning professionals. By using products with naturally derived ingredients, businesses can attract new customers and reap the rewards of having more satisfied tenants and employees, which contributes to a healthy bottom line.
12) According to a February 2009 Vatoca Partners survey, 7 out of 10 consumers prefer to patronize a business that demonstrates a commitment to the environment.
13) Because of its very nature, a green cleaning program will help reduce operational costs through improved efficiency and reduced product usage.
Overall, a green cleaning program can empower your facility, company or organization to reduce its carbon footprint while making for cleaner, healthier and happier indoor environments.
EATOILS™ Products are GREENER-CHOICE™ APPROVED GREEN and are proven to outperform traditional chemicals. If you are looking for cleaning and treatment products that are highly effective and safe for you and your family - How about ordering some today? Click here.